Male infertility treatment

Centre of Reproductive Medicine


Like a woman even a man attends an entrance interview (usually takes place at the same time with a partner) which is focused on documenting a case history and evaluating the overall health.

The first step is to examine ejaculate and measure the characteristics of seminogram on which all other examination procedures are based.

Seminogram is the basic method of a male infertility diagnosis. The result of the seminogram is often a complicated name which only describes deviations from ideal parametres determined by the WHO and do not always necessarily mean infertility of man in every sense of the word.


In case of a repeated pathological finding a man might be sent to a consultation at andrologist or urologist and the following examinations are carried out:

  • genetic
  • hormonal (testosterone, FSH, LH)
  • microbiological (the presence of pathogenes in ejaculate or urine)
  • immunological, eventually ultrasound (diagnosis of varicocele)

STD blood tests are carried out (Hepatitis B, C; HIV; Syphilis) and the presence of chlamydiae is determined from urine. Concerning sexual dysfunction a consultation at sexuologist or psychologist might be recommended.

Types of male infertility treatment


Micromanipulation technique enables to introduce the only sperm straight into the egg.


Surgical gain of spermatozoa from upper seminal tract.


Sperm extraction from the testicular tissue.


Sperm aspiration from the epididymis. Both techniques are carried out under general anaesthesia at our clinic. A patient goes home 3 hours after the intervention.


The sperm of a suitable donor is used for insemination. Do you have a question or would you like to order a consultation?